
Showing posts from April, 2021

Life After Success!

  Well, You guys may wonder this is so obvious ,so why would I have chosen this topic to write a blog on. Well its Easy to said than done Right?? 😅😅 So yes according to lot many people Life after Success is like a  "HEAVEN" . After all, everything for which we were striving hard is now in our Hands. We feel like We are on Cloud Nine . We think we achieved all that we wished for. Often after achieving Success we feel the purpose of our Life is fulfilled . But My dear friends, Life is a lot more than Success. It is lot more than Achievements, Medals, Trophies, etc. One thing I would like to mention here is that Success is too Temporary. So if you are dependent on Success for your Happiness, it is so so clear that you will be Happy Temporarily. And who wants that??So instead we should try and enjoy the Journey Towards Success. This will not only keep you Happier in Life but also there will much higher chance that you will succeed in whatever work you are doing. So the